Dandelions Liver Support by Jill Davies

Liver repair and protection is of the utmost importance for so many reasons. Modern toxins are so rife that the extra burdens on the liver mean a modern liver should have daily support from food or herbs in order to constantly keep in step with the demands its put under.

We could turn the spotlight on almost any disease and realize how dandelion could help it. Modern obesity problems for instance are dogged by ‘fatty liver’ and dandelion can really help this. Dandelion contains innate prebiotics, which in turn induce the growth of intestinal probiotics, so dandelion can really help the gut microbiome and a wide range of gut issues.

It is also very beneficial for diabetes type 2 where it is able to reduce fasting blood glucose levels. And it works equally well for hypoglycaemia. helping regulate insulin release and moderating dangerous spikes and plunges.

Liver Fibrosis and a Recent Study.

A 2020 study concluded that Dandelion root was capable of preventing the progression of ‘hepatic fibrosis ‘ and can promote the complete regression of it. This is achieved partly by calming down the high levels of inflammation but also by helping liver cells to repair. Interestingly it also concluded in the study that it was more successful than Milk Thistles ‘silymarin ‘ for helping this condition (liver fibrosis).

Liver fibrosis occurs when the body tries to compensate for any liver situation that has become overburdened. The result is the overproduction of tissue repair components, hence ‘fibrosis’. If we consider that Liver Fibrosis is the most common cause of liver associated deaths, the recent study on the use of dandelion is hugely welcome news.  (Root only capsules of 800 mg per day, were used).

Dandelion Leaves

The leaves are high in potassium and this makes it one of the safest diuretics in the botanical kingdom. It can safely support HBP by removing fluid volume in the body.
Its high quantities of coumarins in its leaves help thin the blood which is why it was often used traditionally in spring (using the new spring leaves to thin the blood after winter). Thinning the blood allows deposits and toxins to be freed up, moved on and eliminated.

Dandelion the Detoxer

All in all the roots and leaves remove waste products from the body, via the kidneys (leaf) and urine and via the liver and gallbladder (root). It reliably removes a wide range of toxins, pollutants, allergies of food and environmental origins etc.
It is also an excellent skin cleanser, helping acne, eczema, psoriasis, and boils.

Fresh Dandelion Leaf Tea

For fluid retention problems e.g., swollen ankles, make a cup of dandelion leaf tea- 4 fresh leaves in 1 mug boiling water. Drink up to 3 cups daily. It is entirely safe, will not exhaust the kidneys and will enrich the body with potassium. [Or try our Parsley and Cornsilk tea with its dandelion leaf as part of the blend].

Herbalists Always use the Root and Leaf

Although there are specific uses for the root (mainly liver, gallbladder, bowel issues) and leaves (kidneys, bladder, blood) they work so well together as a ‘whole’ outcome that they are almost always put together. This is certainly the case with our ‘Milk Thistle and Dandelion Formula’ and our PolliTox Capsules.

The PolliTox Capsules are the perfect go-to for daily cleansing. PolliTox contains a blend of 6 herbs that help our main cleansing organs process and flush all manner of pollutants, environmental chemicals, allergies, antagonistic foods and the like. And it relies upon having both the root and leaf.

Dandelion is often put with Burdock

Wild burdock is a classic ‘twinning’. The root contains polyacetylenes that are classic immune modulators. Burdock is also hugely cleansing and when twinned with Dandelion the outcome is to ensure the toxins it encounters are removed efficiently.

I have only scratched the surface of all that dandelion is capable of helping, healing and changing. Not least that its stunning flowers attract a good range of insects to feed on.

Happy Dandelioning