When I served this to people new to food like this they assumed it was made with tomatoes. It isn’t, but it tickles the palate in a similar way and is kinder on the digestion.

I large red capsicum pepper
I small tablespoon tamari
I pinch cayenne
A tiny piece of garlic
I tablespoon lemon juice
I tablespoon olive oil
½ a small red onion
I avocado

Blend everything except the avocado in the food processor until grainy. Chop the avocado very finely and add about a quarter of it to the mixture and process for a few seconds only to thicken the mixture slightly. Chop the onion very finely and add to the mixture with the rest of the avocado. Process for two seconds. Add a little more cayenne if you like it spicy, but beware as it will taste even more spicy when it’s been sitting for a little while and the flavours have mixed in.

Serve with the corn chips. It’s also lovely as an hors d’ouvre served in small spoonfuls in large basil leaves.