Detoxing at this time of year, still in the darkest weeks of winter, is not a good idea. This is the period to conserve and hibernate, throughout the animal world. Also Chinese Medicine tells us to wait until the spring.  And your granny may have reminded you to “n’er cast a clout ’til May is out.” Meaning don’t leave off your thermals til the temperature is higher!
So, post Christmas, and full of good intentions, what can you do?
Add a couple of green/vegetable juices each day. This will quickly correct the over acidity of the blood, and at the same time help to reduce both appetite and any cravings for carbs you may have indulged recently.
Even better, juice, make big green salads, green energy soups and light protein crackers, and stick to those for a few days or weeks.
This is what you will eat, and learn to prepare for yourself in the Living Foods Kitchen here. Look out for our series of recipes coming regularly throughout the year.
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