Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
Article originally published in ‘Permaculture Magazine’ All photos by Paul Watkin Gardeners can grow a variety of vegetables and salads in the garden, cold frame, polytunnel and greenhouse all year round, although the choice is limited in winter. But what...
Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
Why grow sprouted seeds? They are delicious, highly nutritious, and always there when you need them. High quality organic salad is not always available, and not everyone has a vegetable patch. Even if you have a garden, to have fresh stuff all through the winter for...
Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
This time the “BASICS OF LIVING FOODS” section covers how to set up your indoor greens. After the splendid summer celebration of Raw and Living Foods lifestyles at the Fresh Festival in Wales, now is the time to make sure we have the fresh, enzyme and chlorophyll-rich...
Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
Nuts used to mean winter; almonds and raisins in small dishes waiting to tempt you after Christmas lunch; sweet chestnuts at Halloween; mixed nuts and dried fruit prepacked as a convenient trail mix for a winter walk or at your office desk. These are old favourites...
Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
Grains have been cultivated for thousands of years for their nutrient value. Our ancestors kept the seeds from wild grasses, and these gradually became the grains we know today. From brown rice and barley, to rye, buckwheat and wholewheat “berries” these complex...
Jul 17, 2015 | Articles by Elaine Bruce
I want to share with you my vision for a healthy world. There is a lot of confusion out there, yes, you’ve noticed! Not just about how to choose a sensible raw diet, but about what alternative therapies work, when it is sensible to use them, and who to go to. As a...