Preparing the spring vegetable bed…

The veg bed is tucked up under a thick layer of compost topped with cardboard. The soil will warm up over the next couple of months and in theory be ready for young plants, but it is such heavy wet clay here, I will leave it quite a lot longer…

Look after the soil, and grow your own…

Need a mineral supplement? This is why…. Soils have depleted by 50% since 1940, with the rise of artificial fertilisers. NPK. and over working the soil to depletion. Grow some of your own if you can

Herbs looking a bit tired? Time to take cuttings.

Soft cuttings of mints, oregano,, thyme etc, in pots can overwinter in the kitchen. Rosemary and sage cuttings and any other shrubby ones can also come indoors, but try a few outside in the shelter of the parent plant. Check for borage seedlings, and collect calendula...

Weed control in the summer garden

Plants all going strong? Weeds coming nicely alongside? Start early and get them out while they are small. Hand weeding, and light hoeing are the best. Dandelions? You’ve got a free salad plant there: eat the young leaves, and just remove the flower stems before...


Now is the time to start feeding all the plants emerging and flourishing into new growth. We have just emptied the compost bins here: they yielded buckets and buckets of rich mature crumbly compost. , and quite a few old avocado stones!  We don’t waste those any...