To re balance after some winter indulgences, too many carbs? alcohol? sugar?, not enough exercise?
Take it gently and use herb teas to support while you cleanse.
First, get back into the habit of drinking lots of water, and at the same time use your dry skin brush night and morning to stimulate your skin which has been wrapped in close fitting clothes for weeks.
A few minutes on your rebounder at any time of day will get the lymph clearing.
And when you can put aside an hour, stimulate the whole body at a comfortable temperature in a FIR sauna.
Precede your sauna with dry brushing your skin, and follow it immediately with a vigorous rub down followed by an epsom salts bath. Just before bed is a good time for this, and encourages relaxed and peaceful sleep.
Use some gentle herb teas to support liver and kidneys during the next few weeks.
Jill at Herbs Hands Healing, has some ready made formulae inspired by Dr Christopher, and some good advice of her own – read more here!