Hotter Sunnier Days

Hotter, sunnier days tend to bring along our desire to be outside for a greater number of hours and subsequently, therefore, a greater exposure to air pollution. That is not to say that some experts believe air pollution is actually worse in winter. Studies confirm that increased exposure to environmental pollutants does not just worsen lung issues but that heart and circulatory damage will also occur.

Newer research is apparently also revealing a whole depth of other findings with air pollution and in particular that it is also a significant contributor to type 2 diabetes globally as it is thought to reduce insulin production and trigger inflammation. Last year a UK study of 4000 people living next to busy roads, who had regular exposure to pollution concluded that it caused changes to the heart similar to those in the early stages of heart failure. Sobering news indeed. The study only worked with people with no underlying heart problems, in other words, those with ‘normal’ hearts. The conclusion was that these normal hearts underwent temporary heart enlargement.
Is there anything we can do to help I wonder? Other research linked air pollution to a greater risk of dementia according to a London study published in the BMJ last year. And it looks as though this area of research will need to grow and more insight be gained!

What Protection, What Can I Do?

Herbs and natural healing have offered core responses to the subject of ridding the body of toxins, cleansing and maintaining organs and systems, so this topic is not new to us but certainly an increasing challenge. Herbs and cleansing routines can be found aplenty not only on our website (but also other like Dr Schulze’s friend, colleague and sister company in the U.S ‘American Botanical Pharmacy’) so it will come as no surprise perhaps that I’d like to remind you of our ‘daily’ capsules [PolliTox] to help these situations and also our kidney and liver and bowel cleanses for seasonal and intermittent detoxing. Some of you will also know our capsule range of blends to help with detoxing and organ/system support and the three for this subject matter would be PolliTox Capsules for generalised daily detoxing as already mentioned but also our PumpBeet capsules for heart maintenance, and possibly our ColoClear capsules for bowel maintenance as a constipated bowel will only instigate recirculation of toxins.

Our PolliTox Capsules

These contain (in vegetable cellulose capsule), wild certified nettle leaf, wild certified dandelion root and leaf, wild certified burdock root, wild certified rosemary leaf and wild certified chicory root.

These capsules help to support our body’s cleansing and detoxifying process is on a daily basis. And as we’ve said our modern environment exposes us to many chemicals and undesirable substances. But on top of this, our cells make lots of their own waste products from the millions of biochemical reactions that take place every day in our bodies. All of these substances need to be gathered and safely removed from our body via our organs of detoxification, which include the liver, bowel, kidneys and skin. These capsules can help aid and relieve the burden placed on these organs and systems.

  • Wild burdock root- contains polyacetylenes that are classic immune modulators. Burdock is also detoxifying and is classically twinned with dandelion, which helps to ensure that the toxins it encounters are removed efficiently.
  • Wild dandelion root-has been used for centuries to support the liver and reinforce its job of detoxification. The root differs from the leaf in that it has a more specific focus on the liver and gallbladder.
  • Wild dandelion leaf- is a gentle diuretic and therefore providing a kidney cleansing effect but crucially without causing loss of potassium and other salts due to being potassium rich.
  • Wild nettle leaf- is classified as an ‘alterative’- a substance able to gradually restore normal health. Nettle can strongly cleanse and detoxify, mostly due to its high flavonoid and potassium levels.
  • Wild rosemary leaf- is known as a digestive culinary herb and it is a significant liver and bile regulator and detoxifier. It also works to support the circulation, which is vital for all detox processes.
  • Wild chicory root- supports general intestinal health and digestion, further enabling the easy exit of gathered toxins.
    A handful of beetroot fresh out of the soil held in someones hand with gardening gloves

Our PumpBeet Capsules

Our PumpBeet capsules as you might have guessed help the heart and circulation system work just that little bit better. They contain beetroot, wild ginkgo leaf, wild olive leaf, wild hawthorn berry, wild dandelion leaf and rosemary leaf (in vegetable cellulose capsules) which all support the heart and circulatory system but also and in addition they multilaterally support common routes of elimination such as the liver and kidneys.

  • Wild hawthorn berry is rich in bioflavonoids, especially proanthocyanins, which have been extensively researched for their beneficial properties. Many studies have found hawthorn to be supportive for cardiovascular symptoms. Other research has looked at a specific enzyme in hawthorn and its role in vasodilation (the dilation or relaxation of blood vessels which is required for normal cardiovascular function, blood pressure and circulation). Hawthorn strengthens the pumping action of the heart and reduces its workload, partly by steadying the beat itself and also by increasing the heart’s tolerance to oxygen deficiency. Hawthorn will normalise and gently strengthen muscle contractions of the heart, thus balancing any heart irregularities present. It does this partly by “binding” to the heart cell receptors, enabling them to use less oxygen and blood by depressing their action.

When to Avoid Hawthorn– According to a German monograph published on hawthorn, following four years of trials no adverse side effects were reported during the use of this remarkable herb. Hawthorn can be used with many kinds of pharmaceutically produced drugs. However, it is suggested it should not be and particularly not combined with beta-blockers because the combination could potentially raise blood pressure. But avoid if on Any Kind of Blood Pressure medication.

  • Wild ginkgo leaf – what a bountiful amount of biochemical compounds it contains! Not least, ginkgo inhibits a substance known as ‘platelet activating factor’, which helps to reduce clots and sticky blood.
  • Wild olive leaf- contains the compounds oleuropein and oleasterol, which aids circulation, it is also a potent ‘bitter’ which will automatically stimulate good liver and bile function, better enabling all round detoxing as bile helps the liver to get rid of waste products.
  • Wild dandelion leaf contains diuretic compounds to help the body get rid of excess water and is rich in naturally occurring potassium, which is needed for normal nerve and muscle function and for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
  • Rosemary leaf- also has a complex biochemistry. Its active compounds include rosmarinic acid and flavonoids, which can aid circulation, help to break down congestive fats in the system and inhibit free radical damage. Like the olive leaf, rosemary is also dually a liver herb.

The Wonders of Beetroot

Beetroot is also in PumpBeeet capsules but eating these delicious roots daily is also a great option.

One of the beetroot’s many active compounds is the betaine, also termed trimethylglycine (TMG). Betaine plays a role in the breakdown of homocysteine in our body, a substance that is natural but can be harmful if allowed to build up to high levels. Raised levels of homocysteine are linked to heart disease, thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls (arteriosclerosis), compromised fertility, osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, pain and inflammation, type II diabetes and more. Raised homocysteine is an indication that a process called ‘methylation’, which keeps all the natural chemicals in our body in balance, is not working well. Betaine and other nutrients – especially B vitamins – are needed for healthy methylation and to keep homocysteine levels in control.

Beetroot and the liver

Beetroot also works to support liver detoxification and bile production for the digestion of dietary fats. Substances called betacyanins in beetroot (including betalains, which gives beetroot its beautiful purple-red colour) have been found to support the second phase of liver detoxification. During this second phase, wastes that have actually been made more reactive and harmful during the first phase of detoxification are attached to substances that allow them to be excreted safely from the body. To be in optimal health and protect our body from excessive free radical damage, we need this second phase to work really efficiently.

Beetroot and its Nitrates for healthy blood vessels and heart

The naturally occurring nitrates found in beetroot help to make another vital substance in the body called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide supports normal dilation of blood vessels and flexibility of the arteries – helping to maintain a healthy heart and blood pressure.
Recent research has also examined the role of nitric oxide in reducing oxidation of ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol. If LDL cholesterol is allowed to oxidise, it is more likely to cause inflammation and damage to the lining of our blood vessels, potentially leading to a build-up of plaques and hardening of the arteries. Beetroot may help to prevent this from happening.
Aloe plant cut in half

Finally our ColoClear Capsules

ColoClear capsules may be of use to some as I said for ensuring pollutants don’t re-circulate. They contain a blend of fruits and herbs helping to support the body by increasing bowel regularity in a broad-spectrum, balanced manner with triphala fruit, aloe vera leaf, yellow dock root, barberry bark, fennel seed and ginger root. Triphala is the well known Ayurvedic formula containing the 3 fruits of, Amla, Haritaki and Bibhitaki; which are the main stars in this concentrated blend.

And Finally, Drink Water and More Water!

Drinking enough water in the summer is always an issue, especially when we underestimate how much we sweat and ignore thirst, or quench our thirst with drinks that don’t help. Water really helps dilute pollutants so be sure to drink plenty and then some more!