Summer Solstice 2024 by Nicky
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Winter Solstice by Nicky
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Scarlet by Nicky
SCARLETCELEBRATES LUGHNASAHD / LAMMAS 2023The natural world’s bounty thrills us yet more with her Scarlet beauties Traditionally the 1st August was a day to welcome the harvest and indeed was often the first day of harvesting. On this day the first sheaves of grain...
Imbolc 2023 by Nicky
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GMC undermines good doctors…
Link to the article (external site):
OCTOBER on Melbourne coast
Thankyou Eve for the photos.
Orchids from Eve
An Old Man in a Chair challenges SAGE to a live debate. Don’t hold your breath….
Body Housekeeping Detox Time Again by Jill Davies
The liver focus on cleansing & ageing We’re more likely to ‘fall into’ degenerative diseases as we age but help is at hand if we use the category of herbs that will help support and detoxify the liver, by keeping it stronger and more functional. There are so many...
Exercise for the sake of your metabolism. From Jill…
What do we Mean by Metabolism Metabolism is a big subject but I’m going to narrow it down a bit. Essentially metabolism means delivering sufficient energy to keep you and your organs functioning normally and ideally optimally. So breathing, heart function, immunity,...