“Edgar Cayce, the seer of Virginia Beach, predicted in the 1930’s that in the future, a person’s state of health would be determined by one drop of blood. This time has arrived.”
Dr. Gunther Enderlein, (1872-1968) a German Scientist and zoologist is considered to be the ‘father’ of live cell microscopy and expanded on the theory of pleomorphism. Enderlein infact was continuing to research the ideas of Antoine Bechamp, an older contemporary of Enderlein’s who believed that blood was not sterile and that micro-organisms could under certain conditions evolve into pathogenic forms. Enderlein went on to research and recognise “the possibility that a sharply enclosed species can exhibit more than one growth or appearance form and that forms of a species can change.” (G. Enderlein, ‘Bakterien Cyclogenie 1925’)
Modern, allopathic medicine is based on monomorphism whereby all infection and contagious diseases are caused by germs acquired from outside the body. The germ theory was developed by the microbiologist Louis Pasteur and despite Pasteur retracting this theory on his deathbed, it had by this time become firmly embedded in orthodox medicine and continues to be taught in medical schools today.
Dr. Enderlein discovered that the micro-organisms in the blood called ‘protits’ live in harmony with the body and even perform essential functions that are necessary for health – there is a symbiotic relationship. So when the microfloras in the body are in harmony, there is good health. However, when the body’s inner terrain becomes unbalanced in some way, the micro-organisms begin to change into later stages of growth in order to survive. They then become increasingly pathogenic and can cause disease. Dr. Enderlein called the developmental forms of the protit, ‘endobionts.’ The progression of the endobiont to more pathogenic forms is directly attributable to traumas, for example, from the effects of chemicals, diet, radiations, lifestyles and emotions. The most advanced forms of the endobiont found in the tissues of corpses are also found in living hosts with degenerative illnesses.
Enderlein states, “basically, there is not a multitude of diseases, but only one constitutional disease, namely the constant over-acidification of the blood, which disturbs the central regulation of the body, disorienting it, all of which is mainly the result of an inverted way of living and eating. It is chiefly the current, civilized food with it’s abundance of animal protein, especially meat, fish, and eggs, which causes the over-acidification, on the one hand, and masks the parasites, on the other hand.”
Live Blood Screening is a comparatively new technique in the UK. It involves taking a single living drop of blood from the finger-tip which is then placed under a powerful microscope. The image is then displayed on a screen for both the practitioner and patient to view. Imbalances in the body can be then be determined through looking at the quality of the blood and making appropriate adjustments to diet and lifestyle to prevent the forms within the blood becoming pathogenic.
Blood is the main transport system of the body, carrying oxygen, nutrients and other life-giving agents to maintain health. It is also the medium for detoxification, delivering cellular waste to the liver and kidneys for elimination from the body. Observation of the blood can therefore provide an indication of possible illness well before symptoms appear. This method of analysis is very different from the tests carried out in laboratories which quantify the levels of certain components in a sample of blood. Live blood screening gives an indication as to the quality of an individual’s blood – this is an important foundation of preventative health care showing the effects that diet, lifestyle and stress can have on our well-being. By studying the shape and functioning of blood cells and plasma, signs of nutritional deficiencies, reduced immunity, heavy metal toxicity and free radical damage can be evaluated. Fats, such as cholesterol and crystal formations can also be detected along with the presence of any parasites, yeasts and bacteria.
Live blood screening is both educational and motivational. How we live our lives and what we put into our bodies reflect in our blood picture. During a screening patients are able to see a live picture of their own blood and their treatment progress can be visually monitored over a period of time. The analysis along with a detailed profile of the client creates a strong visual impact and provides the motivation to eliminate bad habits that can eventually contribute to creating illness and disease. It also provides a powerful incentive for patients to be more proactive in improving their health and taking responsibility for their own progress. The technique is enormously helpful in identifying imbalances that correspond to nutrition whereby changes to diet and lifestyle can show improvements in the condition of the blood sometimes within a short space of time. The Living Foods Programme through its use of chlorophyll rich plants which have blood cleansing and building properties can sometimes quite quickly address deficiencies which in turn shows in an improvement in the visual appearance of live cell analysis.
There is a huge gap in orthodox medicine that neglects and ignores the fundamental concepts of diet and its effects on health. The public often feel at the mercy of the medical profession who, despite extensive training have little knowledge on nutrition to prevent and heal serious illness. It’s a sad fact that the knowledge on preventative measures for many serious and life-threatening illness, although well known, studied and researched, is not made readily available to the general public. It is often left to those wishing to find new ways to gain well-being and who have the time and resources to research these subjects further.
Rosie Andersen