2 C. raw walnuts or pecans (soaked in water overnight is best)
2 carrots
1 tomato
3-4 garlic cloves
1 bell pepper, jalapeno or anaheim, depending on your preference
¼ C. raw sunflower seeds (soaked in water overnight is best)
¼ C. raw pumpkin seeds (soaked in water overnight is best)
1 T Liquid Aminos or Salt to taste
1 tsp. Coriander
1 tsp. Chili powder
1 tsp. Cumin
⅛ tsp. Cayenne

Leaves of the Cabbage, Romaine, Iceberg or other lettuces

1 C. raw cashews (soaked overnight is best)
½-1 C. water for blending.
¼ tsp. salt or to taste
½ lemon juiced (optional)

For the filling, if you have a food processor, place veggies and seeds in the food processor and
process until they are medium sized pebbles. If you do not have a food processor, be sure to
finely chop each of these items. Add the liquid aminos or salt, coriander, chili powder, cumin
and cayenne and mix well. Set aside.

For the shell, choose the kind of plant shell you want, wash and separate each whole leaf from
the stalk, trying not to break it. The leaf serves to hold the filling.

For the topping, place the cashews in water overnight, rinse off the cashews, place in a blender
with the salt and lemon blend in water until smooth. Add as much water as you need to help it
blend smooth, but do not add too much water, or the cream is too thin. It should be thick enough
to hold onto a spoon when you dip.

Either place the filling, shells, and topping out for guests to serve themselves or pre pack them in
advance. This is a fun, delicious way to enjoy tacos, and is packed with plant protein that is rich
in vitamins, minerals, fiber, less acidic than meat, and great for building the body. A mouth
pleaser for sure!

Recipe by Kelly Pomeroy