Sprout some buckwheat for just one or two days, no longer. (remember it only likes soaking for 20 minutes, or it sort of melts and goes gooey and useless) Whizz it up to a thick paste with loads of currants, and some warm spices like ground cloves and cinammon. Use a baking ring on a dehydrator sheet, and spoon in a thick layer. Mix some ground almonds with honey and spoon in a good dollop, before carefully sealing that in with te second layer of buckwheat paste.
Top with blanched almonds and currants and dry until firm on the outside and still moist inside. the almonds should have that slightly burnt look of “real”, or tather “ordinary” fruit cake. Eat that day, it won’t keep long,

Whenever you sprout buckwheat do a few extra and spread them on a dehydrator tray. They take about four hours at 40 degrees C, and make a deliciously tasty nibble, on its own or as a topping on salad or fruit.