Choose a pale sauerkraut for this recipe, if you have one. One made from white and green cabbage, with maybe a little carrot, is ideal. However, if you don’t mind a pink mayo, just use your normal red cabbage one.
This is useful for vegans and vegetarians who need to follow a fermenting gut diet.
The almonds provide easily digestible protein, the kraut itself supplies bio available cabbage, otherwise notoriously difficult to digest, and the ripe avocado gives the right kind of oil and more protein. It’s delicious as a rich pate alongside salad, as a dip, stuffed into red pepper halves or rolled in lettuce leaves as a snack, or spread on crackers or pumpernickel for those who use such things.
By the way, don’t throw the avocado stone away. Wash it, roughly chop it, and add it to the blender when you next make a smoothie. It is so rich in gut friendly fibre.
Day one, soak a few handfuls of organic almonds (or sunflower seeds if preferred) for several hours. Let them drain overnight.
Day two, blend the almonds(sunflower seeds) with a ripe avocado or two, and at least equal volume of sauerkraut.
Eat at once for best effect, though it will keep a day or so in the fridge.
Sneaky note to fermenting gut dieters. Yes I know, no grains, but you might get away with the occasional 100% buckwheat wafer. Buckwheat isn’t yet a grain like wheat, completely hybridised and bred for yield, on which we have all overdosed for decades, so maybe worth a try occasionally when you are desperate for a slice of toast. You’ll need to monitor your reaction objectively though!
If you haven’t made your own sauerkraut yet, have a look at Elaine’s quick method HERE