2 medium-size zuccini
2 red bell pepper
1 sweet onion
1 bunch spinach leaves
CHEESE sauce
1 1/2 cup almonds soaked (for 12-24 hrs) and peeled
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
4-5 tablespoons Nutritional Yeast
pinch of salt
water for blending Put all ingredients into blender and blend with enough
water to create a sauce of a thick consistency.
TOMATO sauce
1/2 to 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes soaked (for 2 hrs)
2-3 fresh tomatoes chopped
1/2 bunch basil leaves and dill
1/4 cup juice of lemon
2 garlic cloves
1/2 teaspoon cayenne powder
pinch of salt
olive oil if desired
Water from soaked tomatoes for blending
Blend all ingredients together
1/4 cup Cheese sauce leftover
1/2 cup macadamia
1/2 bunch basil leaves
1-2 TBS Nutritional Yeast
lemon juice if desired
water if necessary
Cut zuccini, red bell pepper, spinach, onion into strips.
Layer 1: Place a thick layer of zuccini stripes vertically and
diagonally on a plate
Layer 2: bell pepper, onion
Layer 3: Cheese sauce
Layer 4: Spinach
Layer 5: Tomato sauce
5. Repeat the layers
6. Blend topping ingredients and add to the top layer of lasagna
7. Decorate with fresh cut tomato circles, etc.
8. Dehydrate 3-4 hrs and serve immediately