Walnut Zucchini Roll Ups
From Jane Goldberg at La Casa Puerto Rico
• 3 cups hulled sunflower seeds, soaked 2 hours, sprouted 2 hrs
• 1 cup lemon juice
• 2 red capsicum peppers, roughly chopped or chopped red pepper
• 4 scallions (green onions), roughly chopped
• 1/2 cup raw tahini
• Splash of coconut aminos optional, or celtic salt
• 8tbs. coarsely chopped parsley
• 2-3 medium cloves garlic,
• 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1. Rinse sunflower seeds.
2. Put all ingredients in the food processor and process until smooth.
3. Taste, and adjust your seasoning. The garlic flavor will develop over time.
4. Slice zucchini on a mandolin — very thin or use a very sharp knife.
5. Spread a thin layer of pate on the zucchini strips.
6. Place in dehydrator for 2 to 4 hours until zucchini strips are soft.
7. Roll up the zucchini w/pate and hold together with tooth pic if necessary.
8. Now place back in the dehydrator for up to 24 hours. These will keep for some time in the refrigerator.