This week we are spreading compost on the herb and salad bed and flower borders alike.
This small garden, which is now run on permaculture principles since we moved in, uses only home made compost. We make this in our trusty old Rotol bins, which came with us from the old garden. The wide -based conical shape makes it easy to access the ripe compost, which has matured throughout the past year. We use all the vegetable and salad scraps, also pulp from the juicers, mixed with the root mats from the trays of indoor greens ( baby sunflowers and buckwheat lettuce ) and wheatgrass. So it’s no surprise that the occasional sunflower pops up amid the sage, sorrel or Swiss chard next spring.
If you are not familiar with Dr. Ann’s original indoor greens, have a look at Elaine’s short film showing how to plant and use them. In the video library.
At the end of summer, on a mild day, we enjoyed giving the plants a final top up and the soil a rich dark protective covering, set off by the bright nasturtiums and calendula, and the last few tomatoes.